no one survived the impact

the hammerstein ballroom, new york, usa, 19.12.97
1. fitter happier
2. airbag
3. karma police
4. the bends
5. exit music [for a film]
6. talk show host
7. subterranean homesick alien
8. my iron lung
9. climbing up the walls
10. lucky
11. planet telex
12. bulletproof [i wish i was]
13. no suprises
14. bones
15. just
16. paranoid android
17. fake plastic trees
18. let down
19. street spirit
20. electioneering
21. nice dream
22. the tourist
quality = a
length = 103 minutes
a.k.a = 'live from the 10 spot'
this show was recorded live for tv, however the tv show did not air the entire gig. this boot is the whole gig.
"i'll be back soon" [gone]