are you licenced?

universal ampitheatre, los angeles, usa 1.4.98
1) exit music
2) airbag
3) talk show host
4) karma police
5) my iron lung
6) the bends
7) bulletproof
8) lurgee
9) bones
10) just
11) climbing up the walls
12) pearly*
13) no surprises
14) fake plastic trees
15) paranoid android
16) lucky
17) planet telex
18) how to disappear completely and never be found again
19) street spirit
20) let down
21) the tourist
quality = a
length = approx 110 minutes
another great show. thom dedicates 'how to..' to the bootleggers! thom is very talkative throughout the show, and apparently was barefoot for the entire gig. so okay, thats not important, but hey, its nice :)
i've seen enough, please take me back