laugh. now. go. home.

amsterdam, 12.4.95
1) the bends
2) bones
3) bulletproof
4) my iron lung
5) lucky
6) creep
7) bishops robes
8) high & dry
9) planet telex
10) inside my head
11) just
12) fake plastic trees
13) no suprises please
14) you
15) black star
16) nice dream
17) stop whispering
quality = a
length = approx 80 minutes
really great show. thom is very talkative, and tell the audience about when they performed at the smash hits party (day before). thom dedicates 'inside my head' to all the fake famous people. no suprises is played for the first ever time at this show, and it has completely different lyrics. towards the end thoms asks why the audience keeps throwing mints and condoms at them, to which jonny replies "yeah, throw joints." i dunno, those scamps....
i've seen enough, please take me back