i have not felt this bad since last time

fair park, dallas, texas, usa 29.3.98
1) meeting in the aisle
2) airbag
3) talk show host
4) karma police
5) exit music
6) my iron lung
7) plane telex
8) nice dream
9) just
10) paranoid android
11) climbing up the walls
12) electioneering
13) no suprises
14) fake plastic trees
15) lucky
16) big ideas (don't get any)
17) you
quality = b
length = approx 90 minutes
i think that part of this show is seen on 'meeting people is easy', where thom is seating on some steps refusing to do an encore, but then goes on and plays 'big ideas..', which is an excellent song.
i've seen enough, please take me back