hurt but still smiling

san francisco, usa 2.4.98
1. airbag
2. talk show host
3. planet telex
4. karma police
5. exit music [for a film]
6. just
7. banana co.
8. lucky
9. paranoid android
10. the bends
11. nice dream
12. the trickster
13. climbing up the walls
14. no suprises
15. fake plastic trees
16. bones
17. my iron lung
18. big ideas (don't get any)
19. let down
20. street spirit
21. lurgee
quality = a
length = 110 minutes
this bootleg is of great quality, except for on climbing up the walls, where the sound is quite bad. note the rare inclusion of The trickster in the setlist, introduced by thom as a "totally obscure song!".